Saturday, August 8, 2009

English and Filipino As a Language

Our school launched a campaign entitled " SPEAK TO ME IN ENGLISH OR FILIPINO ." Every student must speak English or Filipino inside the campus. This campaign will encourage us how to speak Filipino or English fluently.

Today English is our international language. English is a truly global language crossing many international boundaries. In fact, the English language is so popular; it is spoken in more than a hundred countries and has more than a million words. English has an inherent simplicity and flexibility allowing it to be learned quickly, cementing English as a global language. It is commonly spoken by all PEOPLES of the world. WHY PEOPLES????? It is simply means that all people with different cultures in the world. It is also used by businessmen for their transactions. We can easily apply to jobs if we are fluent in speaking English. We must love english as our intenational language so that we could be globally competent to other countries. Eventhough some of us don't know how to speak english we must learn it,express yourself......... eventhough if your grammar is incorrect...then little by little we will be fluent in speaking english.......

Filipino is the national language of our country-the Philippines. we should be proud in speaking this language because this really shows that we love our country. Filipino people are one of the good speakers of may languages. We must love Filipino!!!!!!!!!
"SPEAK TO ME IN ENGLISH OR FILIPINO".................................